You have purchased ...
You have purchased your holiday house and settled down with your furniture and equipment. So, what’s next?
First thing you should do with your property is to have insurance. We strongly suggest that our clients have full cover insurance for those just-in-case situations for any property in North Cyprus because you never know what life will bring to you. To prevent any surprises, we should take the necessary precautions and arrange appropriate insurance.
Of course, as your real estate agent, we will be assisting you in obtaining the necessary insurance policy. We will get quotes from different companiesand help you decide the best cover at the best price.
Full cover insurance fees for 2 bedroom apartment are approximately as follows in the countries in which we are operating:
£ 100 (-/+) for apartment per year
£ 150 (-/+) for bungalow per year
£ 200 (-/+) for villa per year